
SPSS and AMOS Workshops: Intermediate and advanced

I've run many workshops for AMOS and SPSS.

Here are some links to materials in case you are registered for one of these workshops. If you are, I likely referred to this site to download the materials, which I have saved on my google drive.

(need to add links yet)

Introduction to SPSS
Introduction to AMOS
Intermediate SPSS and AMOS
Cleaning your data: How and why to do so.

Other Workshops. 

(Since I will forget, these are notes on what I said I was going to do, or would like to do, or can do, or I have already offered to any case, these are all doable)

R Commander workshop for non-programmer types.

Free statistical software workshop

Structural equation modelling 2

Multilevel modelling

Advanced multivariate techniques 


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