IBM SPSS Statistics 

Workshop 2:

Correlations, ANOVA/MANOVA, Multiple OLS regression, Repeated measures, ANCOVA/MANCOVA

Faculty of Graduate Studies, Athabasca University and School of Graduate Studies, Memorial University

Welcome to the Jan 18th, 2021 SPSS workshop, by Shawn N Fraser, PhD.

NOTE: Please come with an installed version of SPSS to help make this an interactive workshop rather than a lecture.

See here for free trial:

Or for a discount:

Workshop Activities

This particular workshop is designed for the novice SPSS user with some statistical background such as an introductory undergraduate stats course. However, even those with a great deal of stats training can benefit if you’ve never used a statistical software package.

About me. 

My professional information can be found here:

Contact me in advance if you have questions or topic ideas for discussion at the workshop.

Topics for the SPSS workshop include:

1. Correlation tables. Pearson and spearman.
2. Comparing Means. ANOVA, T-tests.
3. Multivariate models. OLS regression.
4. Repeated measures. RANOVA/RMANOVA.
5. Cross-tabs. Comparing proportions.

Attachments (please download these):

A number of attachments are included for use during the workshop.

Data set 1: Citations and salary data
Data set 2: Repeated measures data

Data set 3: Long file for cross tabs

Data set 4: Short file cross-tabs

Recording from today's workshop:

Handouts and readings. 

Some handouts and readings are linked and/or recommended below.

List of recommended readings:
Morgan, G., Leech, N., Gloeckner, G., & Barrett, K. (2007). SPSS for introductory statistics: Use and interpretation (3rd ed). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Kinnear, P.R., & Gray (2011). IBM SPSS Statistics 19 Made Simple. New York: Psychology Press.
Online resources:

Various online tutorials

UCLA Academic Technology Services. SPSS Topics, Data Management

Arkkelin, D. Using SPSS to Understand Research and Data Analysis. Probability Distribution Functions.


Thanks, and hope to see you again.


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